we take email
very seriously

Ask yourself…


Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to get in front of existing & potential customers. It puts your brand right there in their inbox and, done properly, it allows you to connect with your audience in a highly personal and engaging way. We truly believe that email marketing is still a core element of all successful marketing funnels, and if you’re not properly utilising it in your business then you’re missing out.

We build and supply… 


We build targeted B2B databases from scratch for each of our clients. Because we manually harvest the data, we can target specific Industries, locations, job titles, turnover and much more.  Once collected the data is thoroughly checked to ensure the finest quality contacts. Data is collected on a weekly basis for our clients to reach as wider targeted audience as possible. Once we agree on how much data you require on a weekly basis, we will agree a price and fix that price for 12 months. 

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We design each email template from scratch around your company brand and the brief that you have set. We also design and write all emails for the specific brief and have you sign them off before we start with the sends so we can schedule them into the workflow. Our customer journeys are often a mixture of HTML and Text only emails depending on your objective, message on product or service.

Seriously clever…


On our email platform we design and set up specific automated email campaigns through workflows. We drop the emails into the workflow and automate the email sends, this means the sends are automatically sent out to a specific set of data, triggered by the actions of your subscribers. We drip feed these automations with data, starting off with sending only 50 emails a day and building the sends up slowly. If we are adding data to the workflow… the emails will continue to send.

We are watching…


To ensure optimum open rates of each email, we monitor sends as they go out. If contacts have not opened a specific email 24 hours after send, we will send a slightly different version of the email out to the non-openers only. This might be a text only version or a change to the subject line.

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We have a team of copywriters who spend time working with you, researching your company and the competition to ensure your emails include relevant and engaging content. We want to take your contacts on a brand journey explaining your business and its services and encouraging engagement.

We can get you…


As opposed to traditional marketing tactics such as print or direct mail, email marketing is inexpensive and has impressive and measurable return on investment. Businesses of any size can benefit from email as it provides an affordable approach for enhancing brand awareness while boosting sales.

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We will set up a separate inbox specifically for the email sends. From here we take care of all responses, reply to questions if required and just send you through qualified leads.